I am really hoping you have taken the action advised to you by one very intelligent commenter. No matter what awful dealings you are having with your offspring right now, that is not the most pressing issue in the slightest. Please take action, if you haven't already. That being said, well done for holding your ground and proving a point. When it comes to teenage daughters who take a strong stance against you, colluding with the father, I have experience. Not with breast implants but with other potentially very harmful issues. My advice is - stand your ground but do not threaten alienation should she eventually go against your wishes. Control only what you can and know that you can only do your best by calmly explaining the potential harm, and the value of being waiting and getting the best advice. She will respect you for that, even if she goes against your wishes. She will always know that you warned her in her best interests. Remember, your relationship with your daughter is a long term investment, while your husband deserves nothing from you except to be banished from your life.