I love your take on this Matilda. I only started on Medium in August so I am really just getting going.
It was from you that I originally learnt about Medium being a place where you can earn from your writing, although that was a good while ago - maybe a year, I don't remember exactly. At the time I didn't start because I didn't believe I would have what it takes, or the time or motivation to write daily. Then, one day you appeared in my inbox again and it was suddenly time.
However, the difference was that I wasn't motivated by the money (although that would be nice). I was motivated because I wanted to be out in the online world writing, because I totally get off on writing. It's how I express my creative side best and I just felt on a mission to be writing for the sake of writing. So that is what I am doing.
As a result, none of the negativity has affected me in the slightest. I am here to write, and to write daily, and that's just how it's going to carry on.
So, thank you, Matilda, for bringing this in front of me as a place to write and express myself. I am grateful 🙏