Wake Up People: Peace Will Never Be Achieved Through Hate

Trying to untangle the poisonous web of subconscious Islamist terror support

Sally Prag
6 min readMar 8, 2024


If wearing a Star of David in public can help to push back against the messages of hate, then I will do it proudly. Author’s photo.

Since October 7th, I have felt shock, worry, misery, concern, anger, and fear.

There have even been moments of joy, reassurance, warmth and connection as I have seen fellow Jews from around the world stepping forward to speak up for our right to have a tiny piece of land as our Jewish State.

Though sadly, these moments have been short-lived amid the swarm of hate directed our way. And when I say “our,” I mean all those who stand for the rights of Jews to live free and in peace in that tiny piece of land — tiny in comparison to the Arab League land surrounding it that is 625 times its size.

As the daughter of a fifth-generation Jew born in the land of Israel/Palestine/the Levant (and sister of a sixth-generation born there), Israel as a Jewish homeland has meant a great deal to me throughout my life. Far more, in fact, than I was aware of prior to October 7th.

When you have that many generations of your family that were born there, hearing some ignorant Gen-Z white American claiming that your current family living in Israel should go back to the country they came from, you shake your head in disbelief. But it’s also…



Sally Prag

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.