What’s With Boosting Non-Factual, Politicised, Divisive Opinions But Not Boosting The Jewish Voice?

Is this bias I see before me?

Sally Prag
11 min readMay 17, 2024
“Compassion lies here” by AI (and the author)

Dear Medium,

I am writing to address a great concern I have since learning that an essay referring in its title to the apparently mutually-understood “Genocide” was boosted under your Boost programme.

The awareness of this fact came after I had, as a fairly new member of the Boost Nomination Pilot Programme, nominated a story of my own that expressed the Jewish voice, following the recent, highly politicised and controversial Eurovision Song Contest. I write many pieces on the media wars and the rising antisemitism in the world that have resulted from the Israel-Hamas war and have never had any boosted. Nor have I ever requested that any are boosted until this particular one.

The reason why I decided, after much deliberation, to put this one forward, was because I felt that it was an important topic to broach — the plight of an innocent 20-year-old singer who faced some of the most ugly protests, threats to her life, booing while on stage, and hostility from the other contestants and country juries. She was there to sing and perform, representing her country — not her government. A country made up of many people who not only oppose the decisions of the…



Sally Prag

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.