Why You Should Never Feel Afraid of a Vegan Witch From Transylvania

And here’s how you could win a tarot reading from such a witch

Sally Prag
4 min readMar 26, 2022


A child sitting on a floating broomstick
Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

Throughout history, witches have had an image attached to them as an evil hag or a black-cloaked crone creating suspicious concoctions in her kitchen. Despite living in our evolved modern times, witches are still viewed as scary and different.

However, I would like to introduce you to a witch who is here to change all of that.

A witch who doesn’t hurt animals or use them to whip up her magic potions. In fact, she is taking the alternative route and combining holistic vegan approaches with modern-day spirituality.

Her revolutionary approach is completely baffling the witch community that she left behind.

She is no threat to a single human, and probably wouldn’t even hurt a fly.

Some time ago, I discovered Witchy here on Medium.

Until that moment, I had no idea that I could develop such a girl-crush on a fictional character who has lived for over 700 years and is still going strong.



Sally Prag

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.