Wow, very interesting, Deb. and yes, I feel like I am planning one tactic at a time and I do feel like I have to be gentle at the same time as firm - he has had a pretty hellish couple of years to be fair, and I know he is processing a lot. There's a lot more that I wouldn't feel is okay for me to share publicly on Medium.
So far, I am feeling accomplished with my achievements in terms of giving him certain jobs in the house that are his - my daughter has the same. We will work on this food thing, for sure.
And yes, we have already spoken about the online gaming and that's all cool. It's his downtime and I want to encourage that.
They start college tomorrow and will be out for almost twelve hours every weekday (he does get to come home at 3 on Fridays), so I think we will have to learn to navigate the weekends once I see how he copes with the heavy schedule but I already have plenty of tasks lined up in coming weeks ;)